EPPiC Conversion 1980 to 1988

  • The architectural plans were drawn up by a member and the conversion work was done by other members, family, and friends.
Some work was undertaken by people organised by the South Yorkshire Probation Service, and Community Industries.  Students from Sheffield Shirecliffe College did the plastering in a "real" situation which would last, instead of a temporary classroom wall.
We only paid for the services of a highly skilled steel-fixer.
Our neighbours Bill and John Singleton supported us for years and their family continue to do so.
The lady members were also working, supporting and fund-raising all the time.
The hobby gives an opportunity to be together as a family. Some of our children performed with us. Some now bring their children to see their grandparents perform.
Having our own Theatre was a dream we realised and it gave us the opportunity to perform and then party into the night.   We were young.
1989 The last few photos are getting rid of the dry rot.

Funding for the EPPiC Theatre conversion came in many ways including auditorium seat sponsorship in 1988 and 2007

For £10 a plaque with your name on was placed on the back of a seat. We have fond memories of all of them.