a drama by J.B. Priestley 06.10.09 - 10.10.09
Robert Caplan and his wife are entertaining her brother and sister-in-law. Because Robert insists on uncovering the truth about his brother Martin's 'suicide', many unpalatable revelations ensue which cause Robert to shoot himself.
At this point, the opening scene is repeated, but this time they bypass the dangerous corner at which the truth is demanded, thus averting the disaster.
Produced by Jean Dalby by arrangement with Samuel French Ltd
Actors and their Characters
Debbie Cockayne-Travis Freda Caplan
Marie Birks Betty Whitehouse
Michael Langan Gordon Whitehouse
Paul Marsden Charles Stanton
Tom Travis Robert Caplan
Val Baggett Mrs Mockridge
Wendy Martin Olwen Peel