a comedy by Derek Benfield 02.10.12 - 06.10.12
The action takes place in the living-room of the Holroyd family house, in a small industrial town in the North of England in the mid 1960's. The family run a fish and chip shop that is struggling to make ends meet. Out of the blue comes an unexpected turn of events that has hilarious consequences for them all.
Produced by Debbie Cockayne-Travis by arrangement with Samuel French Ltd
Actors and their Characters
Adam Watts Percy Holroyd
David Challenger Henry Holroyd
Elaine Ward Maggie Holroyd
Ian Fido Fred Fothergill
Jean Dalby Grandma Holroyd
Marie Birks Rhoda Holroyd
Terry Oates Councillor Brownlow
Val Baggett Fanny Ramskill
Wendy Martin Vi Ramskill