1969 to 1987
1978 Black Bertram
1977 Pop Goes The Patient
1987 Streaky Bacon
1987 Funeral Tea
1969 Actors and their Characters Home For Johnny
Diana Sumner Ada Swift
Elsie Bailey Nurse Pringle
Jean Dalby Ethel Dawson
Norma Batchelor Mrs Riggs
Patricia Mitchell Lottie
Pauline Grange Rose
1969 Actors and their Characters Bringin' 'T Chap In
Ellen Herring Alice Ann Kaye
Kate Hoyland Eliza Greenwood
Margaret Evans Nancy Greenwood
Peter Yates Reginald Foster
1973 Actors and their Characters The Stunt
Dorothy Bell Minnie Booker
Graham Lint The Vicar
Jean Dalby Mopsy
Kathleen Langan Mrs Pratt
Wendy Stocker Maggie
1977 Actors and their Characters Pop Goes The Patient
Bill Smithies Sinclair
Carol Travis Sister Gertrude Batty
Charlotte Potts Esme
Dorothy Bell Deidre
Jane Langan Carol Green
Michael Langan Jonathan Soulful
Peter Bentley Sockey
Ray Thompson Arnold
Sue Nettleton Babs Hall
1978 Actors Black Bertram De Bolsterstone
Carol Travis
Dorothy Bell
Hilary Spencer
Jane Langan
Jean Dalby
Leslie H Bell
Michael Langan
Norma Peace
Paul Marsden
Sue Sanderson
Ted Bellamy
Tom Travis
1987 Actors Funeral Tea
Angela Platts
Carol Travis
Eva Nutland
James Kay
Linda Cooper
1987 Actors Streaky Bacon
Dorothy Bell
Harold Jones
Neale Woodhead
Roger Goddard
Sheryl Woodhead
Steohen Evans