a comedy by Sam+Bella Spewack March 1963
It is Christmas Eve in the tropical prison colony of Cayenne.French Guiana South America.
Felix Dulay, a hopeless storekeeper, is fearfully awaiting the owner, Gaston. Providence has given the Dulays three guardian angels — three convicts!
In no time they have cooked Christmas lunch — and Felix's books — and will loose their own executioner on Gaston for his cruel behaviour!
Produced by R Henry Hall
Performed in Colley Secondary School Assembly Hall
Actors and their Characters
Barry Taylor Paul Cassagon
David Calton Sul-Lieutenant Espoir
Graham Lint Gaston Lemare
Harold Jones Joseph (3011) Convict
Maureen Brownhill Emilie Dulay
Nigel Womersley Alfred (4707) Convict
Pauline Rodgers Marie Louise Dulay
Robert Marshall Jules (6817) Convict
Roy Norcliffe Felix Dulay
Sandra Messer Madame Parole