a comedy by Philip King May 1975
The Rev. Lionel Toop's wife, Penelope, is an ex-actress. While Lionel is away Clive, an actor, calls. He invites Penelope to dine in town which is out of bounds to servicemen.
He dresses in Lionel's blacks. Miss Skillon, a parishioner, sees the couple repeating one of their theatrical scenes and draws the wrong conclusion.
Matters become highly complicated when Lionel arrives, followed by the Bishop of Lax and a German POW disguised as a vicar!
Produced by Graham Lint by arrangement with Samuel French Ltd
Performed in Ecclesfield Town Junior School
Actors and their Characters
Hilary Spencer Miss Skillon
Jane Langan Ida
Jean Dalby Penelope Toop
Michael Langan Rev Lionel Toop
Nigel Womersley Bishop of Lax
Paul Marsden Lance Corporal Clive Winton
Peter Bentley Sergeant Towers
Richard Potts Intruder
Stuart Frost Rev Arthur Humphrey