a comedy by Peter Gordon 10.06.03 - 14.06.03
While Alan attempts to tend his vegetable plot, his peace of mind is disturbed not only by his impending fortieth birthday, but also by doubts about the fidelity of his wife, Claire.
The quiet of his garden initially provides some respite from his worries but this is soon disturbed by the ongoing squabbles of his neighbours, Jill and Dave. When a secret message falls into the wrong hands, a chain of events is set in motion which affects not only the two couples but their friends, the well meaning but inept Derek and the recently separated Sarah.
Alan's concerns are temporarily eased by a surprise birthday party, but the evening's events only serve to throw the other relationships into turmoil, and sow the seeds of doubt for everybody!
Produced by Carol Travis by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd
Actors and their Characters
Alison Tingle Sara
Elaine Ward Jill
Eva Nutland Claire
John Nutland Dave
Michael Langan Derek
Tom Travis Alan